by itadmin | Nov 18, 2022
A Scripture passage related to the theme of the day is spoken or sung. In response to the Verse and in anticipation of the Holy Gospel, the congregation sings, “Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.”
by itadmin | Nov 18, 2022
Usually the second appointed Scripture reading comes from a New Testament epistle. Often the Epistle lesson applies the word of God to the life of the believer.
by itadmin | Nov 18, 2022
Either a Psalm or a Gradual may be spoken or sung between the first two Scripture readings. The Psalms served as a hymnbook for the Old Testament people of the Lord. The Gradual usually consists of a combination of Scripture passages, not necessarily from the...
by itadmin | Nov 18, 2022
Usually the first appointed Scripture reading comes from the Old Testament. It may record a prophecy that will be fulfilled by Christ in the Gospel reading.
by itadmin | Nov 18, 2022
The Pastor greets the congregation, “The Lord be with you.” (Ruth 2:4) The congregation responds, “And with thy spirit,” a prayer that the Holy Spirit equip the pastor to serve as the mouthpiece of Christ. (2 Timothy 4:22)