Our History
“Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20)
Members of our sister congregations who lived in the southwest metro of the Twin Cities needed a worship location closer to home. In response to this need, they began a home Bible study. Soon, the meetings grew into monthly Sunday evening services in homes of members.

The group was organized as an independent congregation, under the name Living Savior Lutheran Church. Jeff Radichel was the first president of the congregation. The worship site was moved to Huber Funeral Chapel on Glory Lane in Eden Prairie.
Living Savior requested membership in the Church of the Lutheran Confession, a Lutheran synod founded in 1960. The congregation
was received into membership by the CLC during its convention in June of 2018.
As weekly attendance grew, it became clear that a full-time pastor was necessary. The combination of increased membership and the desire to serve others in the Eden Prairie area prompted the congregation to issue the full-time call.
Pastor Luke Willitz received and accepted the call to become our first full-time pastor in the spring of 2022.
The congregation reached a new agreement with Huber Funeral Chapel, allowing us to hold special evening services in addition to
Sunday services. The opportunity to offer these special services is a great blessing to us as we grow together in the Word of God!
While the Living Savior congregation has changed significantly over the years, we still have several of the original families involved. We
know that the southwest metro holds many potential blessings to serve the Kingdom of our Lord. It is our prayer that the Lord of the
Church would guide and bless our efforts to proclaim His Word and Gospel and glorify His Name in this corner of the world.
Living Savior requested membership in the Church of the Lutheran Confession, a Lutheran synod founded in 1960. The congregation was received into membership by the CLC during its biannual convention in June of 2018.
Living Savior requested membership in the Church of the Lutheran Confession, a Lutheran synod founded in 1960. The congregation was received into membership by the CLC during its biannual convention in June of 2018.