Our Pastor
Hello, I’m Pastor Luke Willitz. I was installed as pastor of Living Savior on May 1, 2022. Let me tell you a little about myself.
Originally from Wisconsin, I grew up primarily in Florida. I attended college and seminary in Mankato, MN, and graduated from Bethany Lutheran College in 2007 and from Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary in 2012. I was ordained in 2012 and served as pastor of New Life Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sebring, FL, until 2017, when I accepted the call to serve as pastor of Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mosinee, WI. My family and I moved to Fairfax, MN in 2020, and I began the colloquy process in order to be eligible for the public ministry in the Church of the Lutheran Confession (CLC). Meanwhile, I supported my family by working factory jobs in New Ulm, MN until April 2022.
Throughout 2021 I was a regular guest preacher at Living Savior. In 2022 the Lord called me to serve the believers here as their full-time pastor. My wife Kim and I were married in 2008 and the Lord has blessed us with seven children.
How may I be of service to you? I am here for you, regardless of whether you are a member of Living Savior. Join us for worship. Call or e-mail me with any questions. Let me know if you would benefit from Christian counseling—or just a friendly conversation.

How may I be of service to you? I am here for you, regardless of whether you are a member of Living Savior. Join us for worship. Call or e-mail me with any questions. Let me know if you would benefit from Christian counseling—or just a friendly conversation.
Graduated magna cum laude from Bethany Lutheran College (Mankato, MN) with a Bachelor of Arts degree (major in liberal arts with a concentration in ancient and medieval studies).
Graduated from Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary (Mankato, MN) with a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree. Accepted the call to serve as Pastor of New Life Evangelical Lutheran Church (Sebring, FL).
Accepted the call to serve as pastor of Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church (Mosinee, WI) and served the congregation until 2020.
Completed colloquy process to be admitted onto the clergy roster of the Church of the Lutheran Confession.
Installed as pastor of Living Savior on May 1st.
“Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching.”
(1 Timothy 5:17)