Spiritual Growth at Living Savior
We all would benefit from spending more time in the Bible. God’s Word is a fountain of wisdom and blessing. You can read it every day of your life, yet never fully master it. Everything you need to know about salvation and life in this world is contained in its pages. If you would like to study the Bible with our pastor or discuss questions that you have, please reach out.
“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32).

Opportunities for Spiritual Growth
We offer a variety of opportunities for you to grow in your faith. Come and worship with us, join one of the Bible study groups listed below, or review our past worship services and devotions on our YouTube channel. Being in the Word daily is the key to growth in faith and knowledge. We are here to help!
Weekly worship service (Sundays @ 9:00 am central time)

Sunday Bible Class – Deeper learning for adults in a more discussion-oriented format. Join us in person on Sundays at 10:15 am central time (Sunday Bible class does not meet between Memorial Day and Labor Day).
Sunday School – Elementary-aged children are welcome to join us every Sunday to study the Bible together. Our young people also learn memory work and songs and occasionally share what they have learned during our services. Our curriculum is available online to allow parents to review the lessons with their kids during the week.
Wednesday Bible Study –
Join us each Wednesday night at 8:00 pm central time as we dig deeper in the Word of God through studying various topics or books and as we discuss how the teachings of the Bible apply to our lives in a practical way.
Morning Devotions –
Join us each weekday at 7:00 am central time as we gather for a brief study of historical figures, key events, and Scripture readings. A great way to begin each day, the devotions are brief with light discussion and prayer following.
Past Sermons, Bible Studies, and Devotions Past materials are available on our YouTube channel .
Our Beliefs – Learn what our church teaches
Contact Us – Reach out to us if you don’t find what you are looking for, or would like to arrange a private study with our pastor
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105).
Spiritual Growth and Fellowship through the CLC

Events to Attend
Would you like to gather with fellow believers for fellowship and growth in the Christian faith? Below are a few opportunities provided by our synod, the CLC.
CLC Daily Devotions –For daily personal Bible study.
Take Online Classes –Free online course work including theology, adult instruction, catechism, and mission work.
Man Up – Join a group of men for a weekend of Bible study and relaxation.
Women’s Retreats –Join a group of women for a weekend of Bible study and fellowship.
20’s and 30’s Retreat –Join the group of 20’s and 30’s people at their annual retreat.
Psalm 119:11
I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.