by Pastor Willitz | Dec 21, 2022
Only God is able to work in the heart of a lost sinner the conversion from unbelief into faith. The human soul cannot cooperate in this conversion in any way. Until the Holy Spirit reaches the human soul through the gospel in word or in sacrament, the soul remains...
by Pastor Willitz | Dec 21, 2022
The Holy Spirit works faith in the hearts of sinners and grants forgiveness, life, and salvation through certain means. We call these the means of grace. The means of grace are the word of God and the holy sacraments. Holy baptism is a sacrament through which the Holy...
by Pastor Willitz | Dec 21, 2022
Unlike us, however, Jesus was conceived and born without sin. Unlike our father Adam and us, Jesus resisted perfectly every temptation of the devil. He lived a sinless life in our place. Despite his perfection, Jesus allowed himself to suffer and to die, taking on...
by Pastor Willitz | Dec 21, 2022
God the Father sent his only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem mankind. True God from eternity, Jesus took on human flesh and a human nature when he was conceived in the virgin Mary. He became one of us but this miracle of his incarnation—becoming fully human....
by Pastor Willitz | Dec 21, 2022
Tempted by the devil, Adam and Eve fell into sin. They lost for themselves and for all their descendants the righteousness in which they had been created. As a result all people are sinful and corrupt by nature. We are conceived and born as enemies of God. We are...