Church and State
God has given a certain set of responsibilities to the Church and a certain set of responsibilities to the state. The Church is responsible for calling sinners to repentance, proclaiming forgiveness in Christ, and encouraging believers in Christian living. The state is responsible for punishing the guilty, protecting the innocent, and promoting order and peace among all citizens.
The Church
The holy Christian Church consists of all people in all times and places who truly believe in Jesus Christ as...
The only true God reveals himself in Scripture as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is one...
The Word of God
God reveals himself to mankind through his written word, the Holy Scriptures. The primary purpose of the Scriptures is to...
The Creation
Through his powerful Word, God created all things in six days, as recorded in the first two chapters of Genesis....
The Fall
Tempted by the devil, Adam and Eve fell into sin. They lost for themselves and for all their descendants the...
The Person of Christ
God the Father sent his only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem mankind. True God from eternity, Jesus took on human...
The Work of Christ — Justification
Unlike us, however, Jesus was conceived and born without sin. Unlike our father Adam and us, Jesus resisted perfectly every...
The Means of Grace
The Holy Spirit works faith in the hearts of sinners and grants forgiveness, life, and salvation through certain means. We...
Only God is able to work in the heart of a lost sinner the conversion from unbelief into faith. The...
Prayer is good work. Through prayer, a believer enjoys the privilege of bringing his thanks, praise, and concerns to God,...